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Item# 163DM-MP/AV Prater Hen + Rooster Damascus Avalanche Barlow
3 1/4" Closed
Retail: $249.95 $125.00
Item# HF213-DS/QT Deer Stag Quarter Horse Germany
3 3/4" Closed
Retail: $489.95 $149.48
Item# 961-WSB H&R White Smoothbone Toothpick
3" Closed
Retail: $62.80 $36.11
Item# 441-GPB H&R Grb Pick Bone Hawkbill
4" Closed
Retail: $84.67 $68.68
Item# 153-AGB Antique Green Humpback Back Whittler
4" Closed
Retail: $55.07 $31.66
Item# HR-5039BH Buffalo Horn 4116gs
3 5/8" Closed
Retail: $62.53 $35.97
Item# 252-BH H&R Buffalo Horn Canoe
3 5/8" Closed
Retail: $84.00 $48.30
Item# HF213-DS/CUT Deer Stag Sowbelly Stockman
3 3/4" Closed
Retail: $489.95 $149.48
Item# HF213-DS/CR Deer Stag Cattle Rustler Grmn Stainless
3 3/4" Closed
Retail: $489.95 $149.48
Item# 163-DM/MAM Hen + Rooster Damascus Mammoth Barlow
3 1/4" Closed
Retail: $459.95 $225.00
Item# 961-RWB H&R Red White Blue Resin Toothpick
3" Closed
Retail: $62.80 $36.11
Item# 163-MP/TR Hen + Rooster Tree Ring Mammoth Barlow
3 1/4" Closed
Retail: $499.95 $250.00
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Showing items 73 to 84 of 110

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